
this is me

Yeah!kesampaian juga bikin blog, meskipun amatiran..otodidak buka2 internet, browsing2,akhirnya!jadi juga..ihiirr..^-^ Actually, ini adalah blog pertama q. but, At this time,i dont have any idea to write something! wedew...saking senengnya hehe mpe bingung mau ngeposting apa buat blog yang super duper sederhana ini..(huhu, maklum, amatiran,pemula,ato apalah yg sejenis..^^)

well,tak apalah,namanya juga belajar.yg penting, ada usaha buat bikin,ya kan!^-^

Hm, karena ga ada ide buat ngeposting tulisan sekarang, mendingan ngomong tentang diri sendiri aja kali ya...

This is the real, this is me

I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be now
Gonna let the light
Shine on me
Now I've found
Who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me
(this is me by Demi Lovato)

ok,This is Me . i am who iam, so i dont care whatever your judgement about me =)

i try to random 25 things about myself, what i like and dislike, my aim, and my wish..

* i like swimming, ya.berenang membuatq relax,menghilangkan penat,stress,atau sekedar buat menenangkan diri.gaya apapun itu,termasuk gaya batu...hehe! tapi...yang sampe sekarang belum terwujud adalah bisa menyelam! diving di laut, liat terumbu karang, ketemu lumba2!yeah...that is one of my wish..satu saat nanti.

* if i have to choose what my fav.color, i choose purple.why? Warna Ungu terlihat lebih elegan, mewah, powerful, kuat, girly tapi ga feminin, berambisi tapi misterius,its like me! tapi, secara umum, aq lebih suka warna" soft..and calm..

* i like biking.atau bahasa jawanya ngepit,hihi. naik sepeda punya suatu feel tersendiri yang ga bisa diungkapkan dengan kata-kata.hlah.biasanya,kalo pulang ke kampung halaman (*baca : rumah), paling enak keliling kota naik sepeda.hari minggu pagi bareng papa ma adek muterin kota ,ampe pelosok .tapi *ujung"nya ade ngambek gara" capek!haha

* big fan of football. especially ARSENAL and its Captain now-Francesc Fabregas Soler. if i Have to Choose a man i would Marry now,i choose him..(hahaha ngarep).No no. honestly, i wish i get a sholeh man who is faithful, devote to Allah and always guide me in the right way..amien!

* i love cleanliness. ga tahan liat sesuatu yang kotor,berantakan,dan menjijikkan! pekerjaan rumah yang paling favorit= bersih-bersih!

* i like design. khususnya desain interior.menata,menghias rumah/ruangan, gambar desain, all about desain lah. sebenernya, pengen masuk sekolah desain interior...hm, tapi Allah berkata lain. but, I feel lucky to study about what I’m studying now.

* i like cooking. sejak dapet mata kuliah kulineri di kampus..bakat masakq muncul!(hueks,boonk bgt).ya..senggaknya, aku lebih suka and bisa memasak lebih baik dari sebelumnya. keuntungan memasak sendiri :hemat,irit uang(*buat anak kos),aman,sehat,terjamin mutunya..hehe,oiya, mga disayang mertua nanti,=D

* i like snacking. aku lebih suka ngemil daripada makan..hm, kebiasaan yang ga baik dan harus dihilangkan.yea. now im trying to eat regularly and reduce unhealthy snacking habits. saran ku buat para diet-ers : small frequently feeding,and choose good and healthy snacks!a step to be healthy.

* i like watching film,on DVD more than going to the movie. coz nonton di rumah/kamar bisa sambil ngapa"in.bisa sambil tiduran, nongkrong, jungkir balik,(lhoh???! emang mw ngapain?hehe)

* i love kids. paling ga tega denger and lihat anak kecil nangis, bermain , bercengkrama dengan anak-anak kecil lebih menyenangkan daripada dengan orang dewasa!so that i m a little childish,hehe

* i dont like singing, but i like listening music, hm..cukup membingungkan?!

* i love travelling. pemandangan baru...suasana baru..pergi berlibur ke suatu tempat, bersama keluarga lebih menyenangkan,

* i love chocolate. i just like chocolate milk. i prefer chocolate to vanilla,cappucino,etc. coz i love chocolate!

* i like making crafts. from paper,or something that can be recycled.i wish i can open a gallery that sell all about paper,fabric crafts or something like that.

* i dont like waiting.i hate it mosttt!the horrible thing! so, i try to do something earlier, just in time, hargai waktu yang ada, karena "Tak seorangpun bisa membeli waktu yang telah terpakai".

* i cant drive car.but i can ride motorcycle and bike well. i am planning to learn driving a car.someday..

* i can sit in front of my computer/notebook for a whole day! coz i like browsing,chatting,etc. just from the internet, i can see the world, and communicate with people from another country. and you know, sometimes i can get an inspiration from this!

* i am very forgetful .alias pelupa.bukan pikun! so, buat menghindari sesuatu yang penting terlewatkan, aq bawa mini book whereever i go..hehe. tapi, pernah lupa juga bawa minibook itu! hehe,dasar pelupa..

* i know fashion.but i am not a fashionista. buat q, pakaian yang comfort, sopan, and matching antara kerudung-baju-ama rok, udah cukup. daripada ngikutin trend, yang nyiksa diri and kanton, :p

* i dont have any make up stuff.i never use face powder,or something like that.just a face cleanser. but, im still a girl!

* i read books on good mood.i like buying and renting books than reading them,hehe.just when i have a good mood.

* my family, my parent, especially my father is very protective.but, i enjoy it.aku merasa, itu adalah bentuk rasa sayangnya padaku.. ilove u my fams! you're my everything!

* I like to be photographed with smiling face and two hands in 'peace" style. (like this>> ^-^v)

* i am interested with polkadots oOoOo stripes=||=||= and stars ****

* i easily get bored,distracted, no motivation when i meet a lot of problems, or the side effect of having ability of multitasks!

* i always dream to be a writer and wanna be a good writer,that i could make people love,cry,laugh,when they read my writing..someday...

Hm..sebenernya "the randomized of 25 things about me" belum cukup buwat mendiskripsikan,menjelaskan,dan menguraikan siapa aq ini. but i think its enough for you guys, to know about me.

so, to know and judge someone who the real he is, u have to know more,and more about him. "Don't judge the book from It's cover"

(Nb : maaf kalo bahasanya gad0-gad0.dual language..hihi. maklum,lagi belajar bahasa inggris yang baik dan benar,kalo salah,mhon critikannya.^.^ namanya juga belajar..)

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